Employment Resources
Have questions related to employment after Concussion / Brain Injury? Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) provides FREE services for both the employee and the employer!
Other resources:
1. Magnet: https://magnet.today/ (Ryerson University)
Diversity and Inclusion: https://magnet.today/about/diversity-and-inclusion/
Magnet is committed to addressing the unemployment of…persons with disabilities… enables job seekers to privately and securely self-identify as a member of any employment equity group to promote diversity and supporting bias-free recruitment strategies.
2. Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN): https://odenetwork.com/about-us/about-us
…a professional body of employment service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability
3. March of Dimes Canada:
Employment Services: http://www.modcemploymentservices.ca/
…ensure that people with disabilities find and keep meaningful jobs; leader in matching people who have disabilities with employers seeking qualified job candidates.
1. Magnet: https://magnet.today/ (Ryerson University)
Diversity and Inclusion: https://magnet.today/about/diversity-and-inclusion/
Magnet is committed to addressing the unemployment of…persons with disabilities… enables job seekers to privately and securely self-identify as a member of any employment equity group to promote diversity and supporting bias-free recruitment strategies.
2. Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN): https://odenetwork.com/about-us/about-us
…a professional body of employment service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability
3. March of Dimes Canada:
Employment Services: http://www.modcemploymentservices.ca/
…ensure that people with disabilities find and keep meaningful jobs; leader in matching people who have disabilities with employers seeking qualified job candidates.
Employment Services - Durham Region
1. Brain Injury Association of Durham Region (BIAD):
Community Support- https://biad.ca/services/csc/
850 King Street West, Unit 24, Oshawa
[email protected]; 905-723-2732
…we facilitate the process of getting to/staying connected to community service agencies. Areas can include….employment
2. Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre: http://www.unemployedhelp.on.ca/
3. META Employment Services - https://metaservices.ca/
4. Whitby YMCA Employment and Community Services
3000 Garden Street, Unit 100A
(905)668-0044; [email protected]
5. Agilac: https://agilec.ca/ (formerly Northern Lights Canada)
6. Durham Recruiting:
[email protected] ; 905-579-2950
Community Support- https://biad.ca/services/csc/
850 King Street West, Unit 24, Oshawa
[email protected]; 905-723-2732
…we facilitate the process of getting to/staying connected to community service agencies. Areas can include….employment
2. Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre: http://www.unemployedhelp.on.ca/
3. META Employment Services - https://metaservices.ca/
- Whitby: 15 Thickson Road North, Unit 6; Phone: 905-725-0087
- Pickering: By Appointment Only - YMCA Centre, Unit 16, 1550 Kingston Rd.; 905-725-0087
- Free and low-cost workshops to improve your career prospects
- Mock interviews to help boost your confidence
- Assessments to help you identify the career that’s right for you
- Assistance with resumes, cover letters, job applications, interview prep, networking, and returning to the workforce
4. Whitby YMCA Employment and Community Services
3000 Garden Street, Unit 100A
(905)668-0044; [email protected]
5. Agilac: https://agilec.ca/ (formerly Northern Lights Canada)
- Oshawa - 419 King Street West, Suite 3560, (905) 443-1001
- Ajax - 250 Bayly Street West Unit 19; (905) 426-8337
- Vocational Rehab; Free online courses
6. Durham Recruiting:
[email protected] ; 905-579-2950
Job Search Engines
Set up a profile that potential employers or recruiters can search and you can search job openings posted by employers:
- Indeed: https://www.indeed.com/hire
- Linked in: https://ca.linkedin.com/
- Monster: https://www.monster.ca/
- Workopolis: https://www.workopolis.com/en/
- Government of Canada Job Bank: https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home
Job Opportunities
College or University
- If you attended College or University: they often advertise job opportunities on a job board
- If you are a part of a professional association or trade: they often communicate any related employment opportunities through newsletters