Our Rowan Stringer 'Commitment to Caring Scholarship’

Rowan Stringer was born with the heart of a caregiver. In grade 11 she worked as a co-op student at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and, in grade 12, she enrolled in the University of Ottawa to become a paediatric nurse. She never made it to that first class. A competitive and keen athlete, she was captain of her high school’s rugby team. Tragically, in May 2013, 17-year old Rowan died as the result of brain injuries.
This scholarship is awarded to not only honour Rowan, but her parents’ dedicated work to shine a light on the importance of concussion education in Ontario. The result was the establishment of Rowan’s Law: Concussion Safety, 2018,
This scholarship opportunity is offered to graduating high school students from Durham Region. Applicants must be enrolled this fall in a college or university healthcare program and must to be able to demonstrate their caring and nurturing personality like Rowan did.
This scholarship is awarded to not only honour Rowan, but her parents’ dedicated work to shine a light on the importance of concussion education in Ontario. The result was the establishment of Rowan’s Law: Concussion Safety, 2018,
This scholarship opportunity is offered to graduating high school students from Durham Region. Applicants must be enrolled this fall in a college or university healthcare program and must to be able to demonstrate their caring and nurturing personality like Rowan did.
2021 Scholarship Recipient
Congratulations to Lilaf Salman, a graduate of Uxbridge S.S., who is the recipient of our 2021 ‘Rowan Stringer Commitment to Caring Scholarship’! Applicants had to be able to demonstrate their caring and nurturing personality like Rowan Stringer did and be enrolled this fall in a healthcare program.
This scholarship is awarded to honour Rowan’s commitment to caring for others, her parents’ dedicated work to bring about Rowans Law (https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-information-sports-organizations-and-schools) and the health care professionals who care for people who have experienced a TBI.
Congratulations Lilaf as you head to U. of T. to study Biomedical Science and move towards your goal of becoming a doctor!!
This scholarship is awarded to honour Rowan’s commitment to caring for others, her parents’ dedicated work to bring about Rowans Law (https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-information-sports-organizations-and-schools) and the health care professionals who care for people who have experienced a TBI.
Congratulations Lilaf as you head to U. of T. to study Biomedical Science and move towards your goal of becoming a doctor!!
Ted Dionne and Linda Lowery present the scholarship to Lilaf.
2020 Scholarship RecipientCongratulations to Jessica Head, a graduate of Henry St. H.S., who is the recipient of our first annual ‘Rowan Stringer Commitment to Caring Scholarship’!
Jessica, also a rugby player and an active volunteer in her school and community, is heading to Ottawa University for Nursing, just like Rowan was. Congratulations Jessica!! |